Tag Archives: Ohr

Tangerine Dream: Alpha Centauri

In March 1971, “Ohr” label released “Alpha Centauri”, the second Tangerine Dream studio album. It was recorded in January 1971, at “Dierks Studio” in Köln, Germany, and was produced by Edgar Forese and Christopher Franke.


  • Edgar Froese – guitar, organ, bass
  • Christopher Franke – drums, percussion, flute, zither, piano, VCS3
  • Steve Schroyder – voice, organ, echo machines, iron stick
  • Udo Dennebourg – voice, flute
  • Roland Paulick – synthesizer

All tracks by Edgar Froese.

  1. Sunrise in the Third System
  2. Fly and Collision of Comas Sola
  3. Alpha Centauri

Ash Ra Tempel: Same

In June 1970, “Ohr” label released self – titled, debut Ash Ra Tempel album. It was recorded in March 1971 and was produced by Conny  Plank.


  • Manuel Göttsching- vocals, electric guitar, electronics
  • Hartmut Enke- bass guitar
  • Klaus Schulze- drums, percussion, electronics

Track listing:

  1. Amboss
  2. Traummaschine

Klaus Schulze: Cyborg

In October 1973, “Ohr” label released “Cyborg”, the second Klaus Schulze album. It was recorded February – July 1973, and was produced by Klaus Schulze.


  • Klaus Schulze – organ, synthesizer, vocals, percussion
  • Colloquium Musica Orchestra

Track listing:

All tracks by Klaus Schulze.

  1. Synphära
  2. Conphära
  3. Chromengel
  4. Neuronengesang

Klaus Schulze: Irrlicht

In August 1972, “Ohr” label released “Irrlicht”, the debut Klaus Schulze album. It was recorded in April 1972 in Berlin, and was produced by Klaus Schulze.


  • Klaus Schulze – voice, “E-machines”, organ, guitar, percussion, zither
  • Colloquium Musica Orchestra – 4 first violins, 4 second violins, 3 violas, 8 cellos, 1 bass, 2 horns, 2 flutes, 3 oboes

Track listing:

All tracks by Klaus Schulze:

  1. Satz: Ebene
  2. Satz: Gewitter (energy rise—energy collaps)
  3. Satz: Exil Sils Maria

Tangerine Dream: Electronic Meditation

In June 1970, “Ohr” label released “Electronic Meditation”, the debut Tangerine Dream album. It was recorded in 1970, and was produced by Edgar Froese, Klaus Schulze and Conrad Schnitzler.


  • Edgar Froese – six- and twelve-string guitar, organ, piano, sound effects, tapes
  • Conrad Schnitzler – cello, violin, addiator
  • Jimmy Jackson – organ
  • Thomas Keyserling – flute
  • Klaus Schulze – drums, percussion, metal sticks

Track listing:

All tracks by Edgar Froese, Klaus Schulze and Conrad Schnitzler..

  1. Genesis
  2. Journey Through a Burning Brain
  3. Cold Smoke
  4. Ashes to Ashes
  5. Resurrection

Tangerine Dream: Atem

In March 1973, “Ohr” label released “Atem” (Breath), the fourth Tangerine Dream studio album. It was recorded December 1972 – January 1973, at “Diekers Studio”, and was produced by Edgar Froese, Peter Baumann and Christopher Franke.


  • Edgar Froese – voice, mellotron, organ, guitar, painting, desugn
  • Peter Baumann – organ, piano, VCS3
  • Christopher Franke – voice, VCS3, drums, percussion, organ

Track listing:

All tracks by Edgar Froese, Christopher Franke and Peter Baumann.

  1. Atem
  2. Fauni-Gena
  3. Circulation of Events
  4. Wahn