Tag Archives: Iosif Kappl

Phoenix: Those Who Gave Us the Name

In June 1972, “Electrocord” label released “Those Who Gave Us the Name”, the debut Phoenix  album.


  • Nicolae Covaci – vocals, guitar, double six, flute, percussion
  • Mircea Baniciu- vocals, guitar percussion
  • Iosif Kappl – vocals, bass guitar, violin, percussion
  • Costin Petrescu – drums
  • Valeriu Sepi- percussion, cover art

Track listing:

All music by Nicolae Covaci and Josef Kappl, all lyrics by George Topârceanu and Victor Cârcu.

Part A:

  1. Cycle seasons
  2. Prelude

– A sheep

– Game time

  1. Spring

– Introduction

– Păpăruga

  1. Summer
  2. Fall
  3. It’s winter

– Introduction

– Game goats

  1. Wedding

Part B:

  1. Negru Voda – Ballad
  2. Pseudo-Morgana