Tag Archives: The World Is SickSICK; (So Kiss Me Quick)!

A Silver Mt. Zion: He Has Left Us Alone but Shafts of Light Sometimes Grace the Corner of Our Rooms…

On March 13, 2000, “Constellation” label released “He Has Left Us Alone but Shafts of Light Sometimes Grace the Corner of Our Rooms…”, the debut A Silver Mt. Zion album. It was recorded in November 1999, at the Hotel2Tango, and was produced by Thierry Amar and Efrim Menuck.


  • Efrim Menuck – vocals, piano, guitar, organ, radio
  • Thierry Amar – double bass, bass guitar
  • Sophie Trudeau – vocals, violin
  • Sam Shalabi – guitar
  • Aidan Girt – drums, tapes
  • Gordon Krieger – bass clarinet

Track listing:

  1. Lonely as the Sound of Lying on the Ground of an Airplane Going Down
  2. The World Is SickSICK; (So Kiss Me Quick)!