Tag Archives: Disseminated

Soul Coughing: Irresistible Bliss

On July 9, 1996, “Slash” label released “Irresistible Bliss”, the second Soul Coughing studio album. It was recorded in 1995, and was produced by David Kahne, Steve Fisk, M. Doughty, Sebastian Steinberg, Mark de Gli Antoni and Yuval Gabay.


  • Doughty (Mike Doughty)– vocals, guitar
  • Mark de Gli Antoni– keyboards, turntables, programming
  • Sebastian Steinberg– bass, upright bass, fiddle, backing vocals
  • Yuval Gabay– drums, programming

Track listing:

All tracks by M. Doughty, Sebastian Steinberg, Mark de Gli Antoni and Yuval Gabay.

  1. Super Bon Bon
  2. Soft Serve
  3. White Girl
  4. Soundtrack to Mary
  5. Lazybones
  6. 4 Out of 5
  7. Paint
  8. Disseminated
  9. Collapse
  10. Sleepless
  11. The Idiot Kings
  12. How Many Cans?