Tag Archives: Stick Up

Honey Cone: Soulful Tapestrey

In December 1971, “Hot Wax” label released “Soulful Tapestry”, the third Honey Cone studio album. It was recorded in 1971, and was produced by Angelo Bond, Ronald Dunbar, Lamont Dozier, Brian Holland, Edward Holland, Jr., General Norman Johnson, Greg Perry, and Edith Wayne.


  • Edna Wright – lead vocal
  • Carolyn Willis – vocal
  • Shelly Clark – vocal 
  • Angelo Bond, General Norman Johnson, Greg Perry – arrangements
  • Barney Perkins – engineer

Track listing:

  1. One Monkey Don’t Stop No Show Part I – General Johnson, Greg Perry
  2. One Monkey Don’t Stop No Show Part II – General Johnson, Greg Perry
  3. Don’t Count Your Chickens (Before They Hatch) – General Johnson, Greg Perry, Angelo Bond
  4. A Little More – Ronald Dunbar, Edyth Wayne
  5. Stick Up – General Johnson, Greg Perry, Angelo Bond
  6. Want Ads – General Johnson, Greg Perry, Barney Perkins
  7. Who’s It Gonna Be – Holland – Dozier – Holland
  8. How Does It Feel – Brian Holland, Lamont Dozier, Ronald Dunbar, Edyth Wayne
  9. V.I.P. – General Johnson, Greg Perry, Angelo Bond
  10. The Day I Found Myself – Ronald Dunbar, Edyth Wayne, General Johnson
  11. All the King’s Horses (All the King’s Men) – General Johnson, Greg Perry, Angelo Bond